Kscope 17 is approaching fast!!! And we’ll be there!

Hi guys how are you? We are sorry for being away for so much time but this year we have a lot of exiting things going one, then let’s start with what we’ll be doing at Kscope 17!

This year we’ll present 2 sessions:

Essbase Statistics DW: How to Automatically Administrate Essbase Using ODI (Jun 28, 2017, Wednesday Session 12 , 9:45 am – 10:45 am)

In order to have a performatic Essbase cube, we must keep vigilance and follow up its growth and its data movements so we can distribute caches and adjust the database parameters accordingly. But this is a very difficult task to achieve, since Essbase statistics are not temporal and only tell you the cube statistics is in that specific time frame.

This session will present how ODI can be used to create a historical statistical DW containing Essbase cube’s information and how to identify trends and patterns, giving us the ability for programmatically tune our Essbase databases automatically.


Data Warehouse 2.0: Master Techniques for EPM Guys (Powered by ODI)  (Jun 26, 2017, Monday Session 2 , 11:45 am – 12:45 pm)

EPM environments are generally supported by a Data Warehouse; however, we often see that those DWs are not optimized for the EPM tools. During the years, we have witnessed that modeling a DW thinking about the EPM tools may greatly increase the overall architecture performance.

The most common situation found in several projects is that the people who develop the data warehouse do not have a great knowledge about EPM tools and vice-versa. This may create a big gap between those two concepts which may severally impact performance.

This session will show a lot of techniques to model the right Data Warehouse for EPM tools. We will discuss how to improve performance using partitioned tables, create hierarchical queries with “Connect by Prior”, the correct way to use multi-period tables for block data load using Pivot/Unpivot and more. And if you want to go ever further, we will show you how to leverage all those techniques using ODI, which will create the perfect mix to perform any process between your DW and EPM environments.

These presentations you can expect a lot of technical content, some very good tips and some very good ideas to improve your EPM environment!

Also I’ll be graduating in this year leadership program and this year we’ll be all over the place with the K-Team, a special team created to make the newcomers fell more welcome and help them to get the most of the kscope.

Also Rodrigo will be at Tuesday Lunch and Learn for the EPM Data Integration track on Cibolo 2/3/4.

And of course we will be around having fun an gathering new ideas for the next year!!!

And the last but not least, this year we’ll have a friend of us making his first appearance at Kscope with the presentation OBIEE Going Global! Getting Ready for More Than +140k Users (Jun 26, 2017, Monday Session 4 , 3:15 pm – 4:15 pm).

A standard Oracle Business Intelligence (OBIEE) reporting application can hold more or less 1,200 users. This may be a reasonable number of users for the majority of the companies out there, but what happens when an IT leader like Dell decides to acquire another IT giant like EMC and all of their combined 140,000-plus users need to have access to an HR OBIEE instance? What does that setup looks like? What kind of architecture do we need to have to support those users in a fast and reliable way?
This session shows the complexity of Dell’s OBIEE environment, describing all processes and steps performed to create such environment, meeting the most varied needs from business demands and L2 support, always aiming to improve environment stability. This architecture relies on a range of different technologies to support that huge amount of end users such as LDAP & SSL, Kerberos, SSO, SSL, BigIP, Shared Folders using NAS, Weblogic running into a cluster within #4 application servers.
If the challenge was not hard enough already, all of this setup also needed to consider Dell’s legacy OBIEE upgrade from v11. to v11., so we will explain what were the pain points, considerations and orchestration needed to do all of this in parallel.

Thank you guys and see you there!


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