Archive for April, 2020

How to use Jython to send a dynamic HTML table email from ODI (part 1/2)

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , on April 21, 2020 by RZGiampaoli

Hey guys how are you? Today I’ll talk a little bit how can we create a dynamic HTML table email from ODI using Jython.

First of all, let me give you a little bit of context. I had to build an ODI process to restate the past data in our DW. That means, the business wanted, to a certain point in time, to go back all the way to the first period we have in our DW and restate the data based in a map table that they provided.

That’s all right, the biggest problem is that this table is partitioned by Source System and Period, and the business wanted the process to be flexible enough to let them run 1 period and 1 source system at time or to run an range of period and ALL sources at time (and any combination of these 2).

Also all right, my problem now is how to provide the business with a reliable way to tell them what they already run, what is still pending, if we had an error in a period or if there’s some validation fall outs in a period. In other words, how to track the process during execution.

My answer to that, I decide to send a email with a table that shows the source system and years in the rows and the months in the columns, and based in a color code, I paint the cells based in the status of the execution.

This post will be about the Jython/HTML code we wrote and the next post will be about how to make it dynamic in ODI. Let’s start it with the Jython part:

import smtplib

from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.mime.text import MIMEText

mailFrom = "ODI Services <>"
mailSend = ''

msg = MIMEMultipart()
msg['Subject'] = "Subject here"
msg['From'] = mailFrom
msg['To'] = mailSend

html = 



part = MIMEText(html, 'html')
s = smtplib.SMTP('SMTP SERVER HERE')
s.sendmail(mailFrom, mailSend.split(','), msg.as_string())

This is everything you need to have in your procedure to send a HTML code by email. It’s a very simple code, basically we import “smtplib” lib and that will handle the email sending, after that we just need to inform the user, password and SMTP server and use the “sendmail” to send the email. Pretty straight forward.

Now, in the meddle of the code, we have the HTML part that needs to be included. In our case, it’ll be a table. To test the HTML code, you can google “HTML test runner” that it’ll bring a lot of places in the internet where you can run your HTML code and test to see the results. It’s pretty handy, and I’m using this one here.

To create a simple table in HTML we just need this code here:

This code is also fairly simple and basically we have:

  1. <TABLE> tag, where you define the margins, border size, width of the table, cell padding and cell spacing. There’s more options there but you can easily find in the HTML doc.
  2. <TR> tag, where you define the amount of columns using the COLSPAN property as well the alignment of the text there
  3. <TH> tag, where we define the cells of our table itself. There’re a lot of properties for this but I’m using juts a fix 20% width for each cell, just to size them the same (since I have 5 columns), the Color of the cells and the message I want to send.

This is my legend table that will come above my real table, but the configuration is the same in both cases. We’ll have one <TR> block for each line we want to have and as much <TH> lines we need for each cell we want to have. In the end my final table is like this:

As you can see, I send an email with all periods that needs to be restatement showing if the interface already ran, if that was a success, or it had warnings or errors (with the link straight to the error file, if it was not loaded yet and even if we don’t had the partition created for that period/source.

Now, as I said, we need one <TR> per line and, in this case, 16 <TH>, one per cell. As you can imagine, that’s a lot of code that needs to be write there. thanks god I’m using ODI to do that for me, and we’ll take a look on this in the next post.

Thank you guys and see you soon.

How to “Save As” an Essbase Outline in ODI using Java

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , on April 20, 2020 by RZGiampaoli

Hey guys how are you?

Today I’ll going to show you how to “Save As” an essbase outline using ODI and Java. I normally use Maxl and OS commands to do this kind of things but turns out, there’s no Maxl to do that.

In fact, this is very interesting even if you don’t like java, because it’ll show exactly what Essbase does behind the scenes to save a outline. Let’s start.

First of all we’ll going to need some essbase API libraries. In ODI, the Client and the Agent already include some Essbase Jars in the Lib folder (one Lib folder for the Client and one for the Agent).

If you need anything outside what you have there you need to copy from essbase to the Lib folders and restart the agent. In this case we’ll need to import these:

import com.essbase.api.base.EssException;
import com.essbase.api.datasource.IEssCube;
import com.essbase.api.datasource.IEssOlapFileObject;
import com.essbase.api.datasource.IEssOlapServer;
import com.essbase.api.domain.IEssDomain;
import com.essbase.api.metadata.IEssCubeOutline;
import com.essbase.api.session.IEssbase;

After that we need to create a few String variables to help us organize our code:

String s_userName = <%=odiRef.getInfo("SRC_USER_NAME")%>;
String s_password = <%=odiRef.getInfo("SRC_PASS")%>;
String olapSvrName = <%=odiRef.getInfo("SRC_DSERV_NAME")%>;
String s_provider = "Embedded";
String appNameFrom = "Juno_M";
String appNameTo = "Juno";
String database = "Analysis";
IEssbase ess = null;
IEssOlapServer olapSvr = null;

Since I’m using an ODI procedure, I can set in the Command on Source tab the Essbase connection I want and then I can get in the Command on Target the User name, password and the server name as well, using the ODI substitution API, this way I can use what is store in the Topology without to worry about hard-code any password in the code.

In the next step we need to connect in Essbase using:

ess = IEssbase.Home.create(IEssbase.JAPI_VERSION);

IEssDomain dom = ess.signOn(s_userName, s_password, false, null, s_provider);

olapSvr = dom.getOlapServer(olapSvrName);


Basically what this is doing is to instantiate and essbase server, connection in the domain using the Command on Source information and then connect into a specific Olap server. After this we are ready to start execute some commands. And now it gets interesting. This is exactly what essbase does behind the scenes:

  1. It Locks the Outline we want to copy:
    • olapSvr.lockOlapFileObject(appNameTo, database, IEssOlapFileObject.TYPE_OUTLINE, database);
  2. It does an OS File copy from the source app folder to the target app folder:
    • olapSvr.copyOlapFileObjectToServer(appNameTo, database, IEssOlapFileObject.TYPE_OUTLINE, database,”\\server\D$\path”+”\”+appNameFrom+”\”+database+”\”+database+”.otl”,true);
    • As you can see, the command ask for the name of the app you want to save the outline, the type of the object (that is OUTLINE), the folder path for the source Outline and the last parameter is a true or false to tell if we want to unlock the object or to lock. True is unlock
    • If you look into the target folder during this step, you’ll see that Essbase will copy the source .otl to the target folder as .otn
  3. Then we need to open the target outline using:
    • IEssCubeOutline otl = olapSvr.getApplication(appNameTo).getCube(database).getOutline();
  4. Last thing you need to do is to merge the .otn into the .otl files:
    • otl.restructureCube(IEssCube.EEssRestructureOption.KEEP_ALL_DATA);
    • otl.close();
    • We just need to ask for the cube to restructure and pass the option KEEP_ALL_DATA, after that we can close the outline

Interesting thing here is that if you get a outline, rename to .otn, put this file inside a folder and force the cube to restructure (via EAS), it’ll automatically merge the created .otn with the .otl.

Also, this is why oracle recommend to have double the size of the cube in memory, because when we do a restructure, we have 2 outlines open at same time, the .otn and the .otl.

Here’s the entire code:

import com.essbase.api.base.EssException;
import com.essbase.api.datasource.IEssCube;
import com.essbase.api.datasource.IEssOlapFileObject;
import com.essbase.api.datasource.IEssOlapServer;
import com.essbase.api.domain.IEssDomain;
import com.essbase.api.metadata.IEssCubeOutline;
import com.essbase.api.session.IEssbase;

String s_userName = <%=odiRef.getInfo("SRC_USER_NAME")%>;
String s_password = <%=odiRef.getInfo("SRC_PASS")%>;
String olapSvrName = <%=odiRef.getInfo("SRC_DSERV_NAME")%>;
String s_provider = "Embedded";
String appNameFrom = "Juno_M";
String appNameTo = "Juno";
String database = "Analysis";
IEssbase ess = null;
IEssOlapServer olapSvr = null;

try {

    ess = IEssbase.Home.create(IEssbase.JAPI_VERSION);
    IEssDomain dom = ess.signOn(s_userName, s_password, false, null, s_provider);
    olapSvr = dom.getOlapServer(olapSvrName);
		olapSvr.lockOlapFileObject(appNameTo, database, IEssOlapFileObject.TYPE_OUTLINE, database);
		olapSvr.copyOlapFileObjectToServer(appNameTo, database, IEssOlapFileObject.TYPE_OUTLINE, database,											"#ESSBEXTRACT_FOLDER"+"\\"+appNameFrom+"\\"+database+"\\"+database+".otl",true);
		IEssCubeOutline otl = olapSvr.getApplication(appNameTo).getCube(database).getOutline();;

	catch (EssException e) 
	System.err.println("Error: " + e.getMessage());
	throw new Exception("Error: " + e.getMessage());
	/* clean up the connection to essbase */
	if (olapSvr != null && olapSvr.isConnected() == true)
	if (ess != null && ess.isSignedOn() == true)

I hope you guys enjoy this one and see you soon.

Oracle Ramps Up Free Online Learning and Certifications for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure and Oracle Autonomous Database

Posted in Certification, InfraStructure, Oracle, Oracle Database with tags , , , , on April 14, 2020 by RZGiampaoli

Hey guys how are you?

Just a quick one today, Oracle is offering free access to online learning content and certifications for a broad array of users for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure and Oracle Autonomous Database, and will be available until May 15, 2020.

This is a great opportunity and if you want to learn more, you can find it here.

Thank you guys and see you soon.

Free Oracle Cloud Infrastructure and Oracle Autonomous Database online learning and certifications

Posted in Free, Oracle with tags , , on April 9, 2020 by Rodrigo Radtke de Souza

Hi all! Quick post today.

In case you haven’t already heard about this great opportunity, please click below to learn how you can access *FREE* Oracle Cloud Infrastructure and Oracle Autonomous Database online learning and certifications until May 15th. With all this quarentine stuff going on, its a great opportunity to learn and get certified for FREE on very interesting topics that may benefit a wide range of professionals. This is a great move done by Oracle to increase the number of people with knowledge around its Oracle Cloud products.
See ya!

Oracle SQL for EPM Tips and Tricks S01EP13

Posted in ACE, Data Warehouse, Hacking, Hyperion Planning, ODI, Oracle, Oracle 11.2.0, Oracle Database, SQL with tags , , , , , on April 1, 2020 by RZGiampaoli

Hey guys how are you? Let’s take a look today in the opposite of S01EP12 situation, in fact we’ll use the same example again to show how can we convert a string in a list of values in a easy and dynamic way, starting with this query here:

I’ll transform this query in a with and I’ll use REGEXP to put this back into a list of values. This is very useful when we extract metadata from essbase for example, because essbase exports the UDA’s as a list of values. Of coarse this has many uses other than this but let’s keep this one in mind.

Now what we need to do is to split the strings by comma in this case, then the idea is to count the amount of commas we have in a row and split the strings by that amount.

The idea here is to use the REGEXP_COUNT to count how many words we have in between the commas and then use it to multiply the rows in the CONNECT BY LEVEL. For example, if we have 3 words, the connect by will create 3 rows of the same row, one with the LEVEL = 1 another with the LEVEL =2 and the last one with LEVEL=3.

With that we just need to use the REGEXP_SUBSTR to extract the words based in the LEVEL, this way we’ll have the REGEXP_SUBSTR(STR, ‘[^,]+’, 1, LEVEL (that will be 1 for the first row, 2 for the second and 3 for the third one).

I hope this can be useful and see you soon.